Information Ahead of Sunday 30th

The big day is almost upon us and as your organising committee will be in the display field for most of today and at sparrow’s fart tomorrow, just some tips and reminders to have an enjoyable event:

  • the main display area and the public parking area are fields – they can be rutted and bumpy so please watch your step
  • the weather forecast is good so please wear sunscreen and keep hydrated
  • there will be moving vehicles all day, the speed limit is 5mph but please be aware of traffic
  • there is one road through the village and there will be queues going into the display field and into the visitor parking – please be patient if you are waiting to get in or passing through Yattendon
  • we have volunteer marshals in the road and in the field – they are there for your safety so please follow their instructions
  • display vehicles should arrive from 8.30am onwards to the display gate between the church and the school.  Visitors should arrive from 11am and use the entrance on the eastern side (Reading side) of the village and follow the signs to the parking area.  It is a one way system and you should exit into the Frilsham end of the village through the farm units
  • If you are coming with a car club, please check the map on the On The Day page of the website so you can see where you will be parked
  • there is a walking route to the Renegade Brewery who are serving food until 4pm and showing the England game at 5pm.  There will be a display of Porsches parked outside the Brewery buildings
  • there is a vintage style tearoom in the village hall as well as vintage and artisan stalls – it’s only 2 minutes walk from the display field and we will have Ferraris parked outside.
  • Please support our local sponsors and the Thames Valley Air Ambulance
  • Have a brilliant day!
Posted in Post.


    • Sorry about that! I’ve just had a quick look through out site and can’t see one either. Sometimes you are so familiar with something that you just don’t notice obvious errors. We#ll make sure everything is amended for next year. The address and postcode is on social media and our flyers/posters etc but that’s not much help although Google can be your friend in these circumstances! Thank you for drawing it to our attention

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