The field is quiet, the dust has settled, the banners and posters have been taken down and your organisers and volunteers have recovered from a 12 hour day when we all must have walked miles (8 miles to be exact!) so it only remains to update our social media and website and to say a big THANK YOU to everyone!

To all the display vehicle owners who came in their 100s, to all the visitors who did likewise, to the car clubs who keep this event in their calendars each year, to our stallholders and caterers, to our volunteer marshals both in the display field and those keeping the traffic flowing in the road, to those passing through who were patient in the queues behind various slow moving cars turning into the gate and to our generous sponsors who enable us to put this event on each year.

We work tremendously hard from January onwards in making this happen so it’s all worthwhile when we get such lovely comments about our event.

We’ll fully update the website ASAP and also let you know the date for next year soon – but it’s likely to be the same Sunday in June

We’re busy counting the money collected and we’ll let you know the amount raised for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance within the next week or so

So, here’s to next year!



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