
Yattendon is a small village with only one lane running through the main part – needless to say that on the morning of the event, it does get a little gridlocked due to the sheer volume of traffic wanting to get into one gate despite the sterling efforts of our marshals out in the road and in the field.

So if you lived nearby, you could drive up to the field and park on Saturday afternoon if you wish.  We will already have the owner of the WW2 Sherman tank and his son staying overnight in the field so we think your vehicle will be safe.  Of course, it would be at your own risk and insurance as neither the organisers of Yattendon Classic Vehicle Day or Yattendon Estates Ltd could take any responsibility for any loss or damage however caused.

But it might save a bit of time and angst on Sunday morning if you wanted to be a bit more relaxed at the beginning of the day.

Please let us know if you wish to do this – email commercial@ycvd.co.uk

Posted in Post.

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